Not Sure About Hiring a Marketing Agency? 11 Reasons to Consider

Should I use a marketing agency? It’s a common question, made more common by the fact that life sciences companies are often hesitant to hire agencies that don’t understand their product or service.

Of course, the right agency can give your marketing a huge boost—even if you already have an in-house team. The right agency understands your brand, your product or service and works with you to get results.

Understanding marketing agency benefits can help you make the right decision for your company. Here are 11 potential benefits of hiring a marketing agency.

Marketing agency costs are lower than hiring in-house
Worried about marketing agency costs? If you hire an in-house marketer, or even a pair of them, you have a small number of people wearing a lot of hats. Asking one person to take care of digital, creative, content, print ads, PR, and any other marketing need is a tall order.

An agency, on the other hand, gives you access to valuable resources in each of these areas. Even if you already have an in-house marketing team, working with an agency can increase your effectiveness by freeing up more of your time.

You get access to the latest in marketing
You have to focus on your company. You don’t always have time to keep up with the latest marketing trends. An agency is full of people paid to do just that, and can bring up-to-date knowledge to you.

Your in-house team can focus on their strengths
It’s a classic debate, in-house marketing vs. outsourcing, but you don’t have to choose one or the other. Your in-house marketers can be excellent, but there may come a time you want something they can’t provide. Going to an agency allows your in-house team to focus on their strengths while you use the agency’s capabilities to shore up their weaknesses.

You don’t need to on-board new personnel
Hiring, on-boarding, training, and managing personnel takes significant internal time and resources. You can save that time by working with an agency that already taps people with extensive marketing and life science industry experience.

You want flexible expertise
An agency, especially an integrated agency, brings in a variety of new marketing experience and expertise. Because of the many services agencies offer, a marketing strategy can be more flexible and include a wider variety of skillsets.

You need a new strategy
You know your company, but sometimes it’s hard to approach a rebrand or new strategy from the inside. An agency can come in and take an objective look at your marketing and brand, introducing new ways of thinking and new knowledge.

Agencies bring relationships with them
Agencies are in the business of marketing, so they naturally need to have contacts in the marketing and PR world. Agencies bring these relationships directly to you, allowing you to tap into the work they’ve already done.

Agencies help you recognize your gaps
Bringing in an agency, especially in the life sciences, means explaining the technical aspects of your product. That process can often reveal weaker or incomplete value propositions and customer profiles, which are simple opportunities to improve your messaging and build trust with your audience.

Hiring a marketing agency can help you discover your marketing strengths and weaknesses. Some agencies even offer services specifically designed for that purpose.

Agencies help you work across company divisions
Especially in large companies, working across product and services divisions can be challenging. An agency often needs input from several teams to complete projects, and has experience navigating the structure of large companies. This allows them to work efficiently and saves you the headache of communicating with everyone.

Agencies have experience in your company’s vertical
A good agency will have specific experience in your company’s vertical, allowing them to fully understand your product, place in the market, and industry as a whole. They will know what kind of marketing works in your industry because of experience with previous projects.

Hiring a marketing agency keeps you honest
If you don’t have a dedicated marketing team for a particular project, it’s easy to let tasks stagnate or decide to scrap the project altogether. Hiring an agency helps you follow through, as they’ll be reliably pinging you with the work they’ve done.

Hiring a marketing agency gets projects done.

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